Our EPIC Kalgoorlie participant, Simon, was in a bad moped accident in November 2021 which involved him being flown to Perth for emergency surgery.
After a few weeks of recovery in the hospital, Simon was able to come back home to Kalgoorlie where EPIC provided support alongside his family.
Simon Broke his left leg and has been unable to work for the last 4 months.
However, with the assistance of his community, family, and friends, Simon is excited to announce that as of two weeks ago he has made a full recovery and has been given the all-clear to return to work. Independence he has been looking forward to this very much.
“I would like to say a special thanks to Heather, Kat, and Rebecca along with the EPIC team for getting my support all up and running. Also thanks to my support worker Phoebe who has been there for me, she has provided me with moral support as well as physical support. She has been taking me places and helping me with any of my needs.” - Our champion, Simon